You may have a question about how to get more clicks on Pinterest, not how would I get more followers on Pinterest? Or on the other hand, how would I get more impressions on my pins? That's the right question. It means that you realize what is worth battling for in the Pinterest world. And the main real metric that you ought to pay attention to is your clicks from Pinterest, meaning the traffic that you get from this platform to your site, or your affiliate offers that you promote with your account. Along these lines, how about we start the topic.

From this article, you will learn what are the worst mistakes you could probably be doing on your pins that are minimizing the chances to get clicks from Pinterest.

The first tip is about the quality of the Pins you publish. 

Don’t make ugly pins on Pinterest. Pinterest is a platform for people who like beautiful things. It's a visual search engine and people who go to Pinterest, they naturally prefer things that look nicer. So, you don't want to go to your website as you see here. So many pins that these people just save whatever images they had on the site. If you looked at it on a mobile device, it would still be very blurry and pixelated. So, this kind of activity doesn't help your account at all, because over time Pinterest starts collecting these negative engagement scores. It starts seeing that people who don't like to save your pins don't like to click through your pins. So overall, the account quality is suffering when whenever you are creating those ugly pins, just because you don't want to spay spend extra time and effort on creating proper Pinterest-optimized images. 

The next tip that will drive you a lot of clicks from Pinterest is compared to the pins, those aglet pins that I showed you. Many of them were square pins. So, as you can see from the general search results on Pinterest, they are never showing those square pins. They're always showing vertical images. So, your pins have to be vertical. Or else you will have miserable results with clicks because the majority of Pinterest users are on mobile devices. And that's the nature of the platform when you're on a mobile device. You want to see the vertical type of content and they get this vertical pin they get a lot of space compared to horizontal or square images, a lot more space on Pinterest. And the recommended image ratios on Pinterest are from two to three image ratio up to one to two. 

Using Hashtags

Hashtag search is showing your pins based on their recency. So, for the most recent pins, just go to hashtag search. When you go to a regular Pinterest search, you will see beans that the platform is ranking high because they're the best. They're not the most recent pins, they're the best pins. If you search on Pinterest, you don't see those ugly pins showing up. Because that's not a hashtag sorry, that hashtag shot search is just showing everything that was published recently with this hashtag. And that's the only way you can surface on this Pinterest platform those applicants. Otherwise, Pinterest will never show you ugly pins. And that's why you're never getting traffic from Ugly pins. 

The next thing is that if you want to get a lot of clicks from Pinterest, you need to make sure that your pins have a resolution of at least 600 pixels wide. So, it means that if you have an image that is smaller than 600 pixels, it might look on some devices it might look blurry. And it will overall have a lower quality image based on how Pinterest algorithm analyses the image. And also based on how users are looking at European. So, 600 pixels is their minimum, a lot of people are getting confused by the sizes. And think that 600 pixels are the only size of the pins that you the recommended size of the pins. It's not, it's the minimum width of your image, your image can be 600 by 900, then it will be a two to three image ratio, or it can be 600 by 1200 pixels. And that makes it a one to two image ratio, or your image can be 700 by 1400. 

The next tip is that text overlay is a must. If you look in some niches, for example, in DIY and home decor, you will notice that a lot of pins that are popular and ranking high on Pinterest, will be pins without any text overlay. This is specific to this niche. If you remember the search for the mumpreneur keyword, there was most of the pins were with text overlay. Because of the mompreneur niche, they are explaining what the pin is about and trying to drive traffic to their site. Whereas in home decor, most of the pins, or a lot of pins are just something that people saved to their boards. And people like saving some beautiful images, some ideas that they might then apply at their home. And that doesn't necessarily mean that people will click through to your site, they might have a board with 100 different ideas of these kitchen islands and doesn't mean that you will get any traffic from those pins. So yes, it takes a little bit of extra work and effort to create those Pinterest-optimized pins with text overlay. 

But it's very important to have text overlay on your photo, not just any random text and not just copying the SEO title of your post, we will explain in the next tip, how you have to work with these text overlays to get clicks that is important to add those text overlays. And we explained how easy and quickly you can do this with a free graphic design online tool called Canva. If you use, you don't have to be a graphic designer, you don't need to learn Photoshop. For example, to make a beautiful text overlay and create several versions of pins, you can do it within five or 10 minutes. 

The next tip is that your text overlay must have a hook. We agreed already that the text overlay is a must. But now you also need to think about what kind of text overlay will help you get clicks. And as I mentioned, just copying and pasting the entire title of your post usually is very counterproductive. Because the text overlay is supposed to be short, you need to use bold and very clear fonts, the text of your pin has to be bold and easily readable on any kind of device even if it's a small mobile device.


So, the text cannot belong, but it has to be linked to your website. So, people want to click they have so many reasons to click through from this pin. And I have to make a note here that when you're looking at the top search results, you will often find some pins that have no text overlay. And they have a lot of repeats and they're popular pins. But they might be generating a lot of saves like saves are equal free pins. But people like to have them on their boards, but you'll never know how much traffic these pins are generating. And most of the time people just like to have this image on their boards, and they don't need to click through. Just the fact that it's a beautiful photo and people like to save, it doesn't mean that the owner of a website is getting a lot of traffic from it. So, a good text overlay for something about decluttering could be how to declutter your home in 10 minutes in a day. 

The next tip will be for eCommerce sites. So, we wanted to just explain why the simple images on the white background don't work and on Generate clicks. So, people on Pinterest are open to multiple ideas. This is the nature of Pinterest users. They're so different from people who are searching on Google. Because on Google, usually, you know exactly what you're looking for. And you insert this exact longtail keyword where some Pinterest users are looking for inspiration. And for some ideas about a generic topic, sometimes even for inspiration in a very generic niche is it's just headset or Bluetooth headset in general. And so, people are open to multiple options. And they prefer pins that show them these multiple options.


So as an E-commerce site, you will get a lot more traffic out of one product photo if you show them multiple versions of this product in different colors. This helps you to get clicks from people who have different tastes. And also, another way to generate more clicks is to show some matching products together in the same image in the same photo with your main product that you're trying to get traffic to your website.

The next tip is to choose your audience. Because if you create an infographic for Pinterest, and you know that in the past infographics, those tool images, were super popular. Nowadays, we have to warn you that when the image is taller than the one to two image ratio, it will be hard to rank high that image. So, by default, infographics are already losing being sold super tall images. If you create an infographic, keep in mind that it shouldn't be within these two image ratios. And the second reason for teasing your audience is that on infographics, we see a lot that people are sharing all their information. And that's the purpose of infographics.

These infographic pins are getting super popular just because of the number of saves. But the problem is that people don't have any reason to click on your website when you have five reasons for something and then you give them away from all the five reasons and even explanations for them. 

The next tip is about adding a call to action to your text overlay. It's important to have this call to action on the image itself. Here are two examples. One of them they're saying “Get a free eBook”. So, it gives you a reason to click through to the side. And on the right side it's so I call this stronger call to action because they say call gets grabbed download and on the right side you have a softer call to action when they just added an icon of this clicking has to Write it's an icon that demonstrates the action that you want the user to make. 

We see a lot of people are getting confused about is how many clicks you should be expecting to get from Pinterest are based on the number of impressions that you are getting. So, imagine that you have a pin that you published a couple of days ago, and you see in your Pinterest analytics, that this pin has gone 40 impressions, but there are zero saves and zero clicks. What does it mean? Is it a bad pin? What's going on? Maybe Pinterest doesn't even work for your niche for your website. That's how people build, those castles in their heads based on a few pins that didn't get any clicks yet.


But there is a wrong in this thinking. The wrong thing here is that you suppose that 40 People looked at your PIN, let me show you on the Pinterest Help page about Pinterest analytics. What do Pinterest impressions mean? It's the total number of times Europeans were shown. So, the keyword here is shown. It doesn't mean that people looked at your pin. But imagine your experience as a Pinterest user, and think that the others are doing something like that, when you're searching for something on Pinterest, you will probably scroll down about two or three times before you see any pin that grabs your attention. And then what you will do next, you will click on it and it's called a close-up. That's where people often completely miss, then there is an extra step that is called an A close-up, then you will see the whole pain you will see the description, and then you can click on the pin to go to the website. 

Let's look at the definition of “close-ups”, it's the total number of times people viewed a close-up version of your pin. So that's actually when people are looking at your pin compared to impressions, it means that someone actually stopped and looked at your pin and took a decision either to click through or not to click through. When they're just scrolling down the feed out of 60 pins that they scroll down through, they probably stopped their eyes on maybe two or three pins maximum. So, if you have 40 impressions, it doesn't mean that any of these 40 people saw your PIN or looked at your pin.


So, that’s it for now and we’ll be back here with a new article.